Week Six Prompt

In order to better promote horror books in our library, I would like to create a relevant and engaging display modeled after the ones below.  

Netflix is extremely popular, and I think this would intrigue many patrons, especially in the Fall around Halloween. Similar to the photo on the top, I would like to decorate a large bookshelf where patrons may easily grab a book that interests them and librarians may restock. These particular displays are set up like the Netflix home screen, but I would like to decorate ours like the screen viewed when you navigate to a particular genre, see below. Each shelf would be titled some subgenre of Horror, like: Horror Classics, New Releases, Suspense & Thrills, Supernatural Creatures, Serial Killers & Slashers, Witchcraft & The Occult.

To incorporate more multimedia options, a similar display could be set up in the media area. This would also be divided into subgenres like the ones listed above, then stocked with relevant movies to watch and videogames to play. 

Creative tag lines could be used for these displays, like "Bookflix and Chill" or even "Bookflix and Thrill."


  1. Hi Liz! I really like your idea here. I had a similar idea (horror themed book & movie bundles). I think connecting reading to Netflix is a great idea because so many people use it as a streaming service! I could definitely see that this would be promoting multimedia use and circulation for books :)

  2. This is such a cool idea! There are alway people that want to read a book before the movie or right after seeing the movie. This seems like a visually pleasing way to get people interested in horror books outside of just Halloween time.

  3. This idea is so creative - I love it. Full points!


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