Secret Shopper Assignment

In a few weeks I will be reading a horror book for this class, and I am not very familiar with the genre, so I decided to use my Secret Shopper opportunity to get a good recommendation! I visited a library near my house and asked a reference librarian for a book recommendation. She asked what kind of book I was looking for, so I said I wanted a horror book, but I was kind of unfamiliar with the genre. She asked what else I wanted from the book, to which I said I'd like it to be from the last few years and somewhat popular or well-rated. 

At this point, she started searching and didn't ask any more questions besides what format I preferred for the book. The librarian told me she was also unfamiliar with horror but that she would write down three books that had been recently acquired that she had heard positive things about. She gave me the slip of paper, and I thanked her and left. 

The librarian I talked with was extremely friendly and approachable, but I wish our interaction had been more of an interview. These are the three books she recommended. 

In my searching, horror and thriller often get very muddled, so I appreciate that all three of these books are listed firstly under "horror," at least in Goodreads. They were all published after July 2022, so she definitely met that requirement, though I would have preferred something slightly more well-known that appealed better to my interests. After reading each of these book's summaries, none feel especially appealing to me. I wish the librarian had asked more questions like if there are horror books/movies I have enjoyed in the past, my favorite themes to read, or at least told me a bit about the books she was recommending to see if they sounded good to me. 


  1. Smart idea using this assignment as an opportunity to find a book for a later annotation, especially in a genre you aren't super familiar with. It sounds like because both you and the librarian weren't big horror readers, she defaulted to just...anything labeled horror, which I don't know was the best strategy. Based on what we're learning in this class, if I was doing this RA I probably would have asked about the genres/books you DO typically read and then found a horror novel with similar appeal.

  2. Hey Elizabeth,
    I also used this assignment to try and get a good book recommendation for the upcoming annotations. I am sorry to hear that you didn't have a great experience with getting a recommendation. However, this experience could show you what you wouldn't do if you were the one conducting the RA interview! Horror definitely is a hard genre to recommend but I hope you end up finding something that sounds interesting to you! I look forward to reading your annotation :)


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