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Week 14 Prompt

This week’s prompt is on whether or not to separate LGBTQ fiction and/or Urban fiction from the rest of the fiction collection. My first response is no, these two genres should not be exclusively separated. However, if the library is considering completely genrefying the fiction section, I would consider supporting this. To dive into terminology a bit, I was at first confused by the genre “Urban fiction,” but I now realize that Urban fiction is a pretty specific genre, referring to novels in a city landscape focusing on the lower economic circles, often depicting poverty, crime, and financial issues. To me, this seems like way too specific a genre to consider separating. In addition, it feels like separating this small collection sends a very obvious message that this type of story, this type of person is not welcome with the rest of the books. But I also do not work or live in a very urbanized city. Perhaps libraries in an urban location with a much greater number of books that fit in

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